Contact Us

Thanks for Visiting our Store. If you have questions, want to check shipping status, have a service inquiry or just want to reach out and be friendly then please review our contact options below that have been designed to best serve your needs.

Shipment Tracking Portal

If you would like to check on the shipping status of an order please visit our Shipment Tracking Portal and enter your order number or email to get a live status update.

Note that you can also choose during checkout to get real-time updates via text/sms so that you can always be up to date and get notified when your new Cuzina gear arrives at your door!

Service Center: Exchanges, Returns & Feedback

If you require service related to a purchase (exchange or return) or if you have a question about sizes, colors, etc or if you have valuable feedback to provide to the Cuzina Team then please visit our Service Portal and contact us. Our Service Portal has been setup to provide built-in workflow and routing rules that make it much easier for us to quickly respond to your inquiry and deliver to you the world class customer service that you deserve!

Howdy from Austin, TX - If you have a need not related to shipping or service and want to reach out please feel free to use our contact form and we will be sure to get your message to the right person.  Great uses of this contact method include:

  • Partnership Opportunities
  • Product Ideas
  • Wholesale Inquiries
  • General Feedback
  • Schedule a Meeting, Call or Visit

If you don't like filling out forms you can also send us an email to feedback at

If you need to contact us by phone you can reach us at (512) 370-2370

We look forward to connecting with you!


Contact Form

Our Office

311 Ranch Road 620 South
Suite 211
Austin, TX 78734

By Appointment