CUZINA PICKLEBALL’s medical grade graduated compression arm sleeve increases blood flow & decreases muscle vibration during active game play to keep your arm fresh throughout the match.
HIT HARDER, LONGER: Graduated compression sleeves increase blood flow to the arm by dilating the player’s arteries by 40% and by compressing the veins. Increased blood flow means more oxygen which helps the player’s arm feel rested and “live” throughout a match.
KEEP YOUR ARM COOL: In addition to keeping your arm feeling “live”, increased blood flow actually keeps you feeling cool and fresh while you play.
REDUCE INJURIES: Our graduated compression arm sleeves also reduce muscle and tendon vibration during the swinging motion, essentially keeping everything in place, which over time helps reduce the potential for injuries.
FASTER RECOVERY: Graduated compression sleeves and leggings are used throughout sports to help with recovery after games and practices by removing lactic acid and increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery. As great as our arm sleeves are for playing, they are just as good for post-match recovery. Simply wear the sleeve for an hour after playing and feel the difference.